UC-NRLF UM.JIIlll.H.) «t,K Copyright, 1909, by HARPER & BROTHERS. TO C A. J. 422254 CONTENTS PART I PAGE A Brief Life of Henry Hudson . . . \ PART II Newly-discovered Documents < . \\1 PREFACE E is with great pleasure that I include in .his volume contemporary Hudson docu ments which have remained neglected for three centuries, and here are published for the first time. As I explain more fully else where, their discovery is due to the pains taking research of Mr. R. G. Marsden, M.A. My humble share in the matter has been to recognize the importance of Mr. Mars- den's discovery; and to direct the particular search in the Record Office, in London, that has resulted in their present repro duction. I regret that they are inconclu sive. We still are ignorant of what punish ment was inflicted upon the mutineers of vii PREFA CE the "Disco very "; or even if they were pun ished at all* The primary importance of these docu ments, however, is not that they establish the fact — until now not established — that the mutineers were brought to trial; it is that they embody the sworn testimony, hitherto unproduced, of six members of Hudson's crew concerning the mutiny, Asher, the most authoritative of Hudson's modern historians, wrote: " Prickett is the only eye-witness that has left us an account of these events, and we can therefore not correct his statements whether they be true or false/' We now have the accounts of five additional eye-witnesses (Prickett him self is one of the six whose testimony has been recovered), and all of them, so far as they go, substantially are in accord with Prickett's account. Such agreement is not proof of truth. The newly adduced wit- viii PREFACE nesses and the earlier single witness equally were interested in making out a case in their own favor that would save them from being hanged. But this new evidence does entitle Prickett's " Larger Discourse " to a more respectful consideration than that dubious document heretofore has received. Save in matters affected by this fresh ma terial, the following narrative is a conden sation of what has been recorded by Hud son's authoritative biographers, of whom the more important are: Samuel Purchas, Hessel Gerritz, Emanuel Van Meteren, G. M. Asher, Henry C* Murphy, John Romeyn Brodhead, and John Meredith Read. T. A. J. New York, July 16, J909. THE ILLUSTRATIONS NO portrait of Hudson is known to be in existence* What has passed with the uncritical for his portrait — a dapper-look ing man wearing a raffed collar — frequently has been, and continues to be, reproduced* Who that man was is unknown. That he was not Hudson is certain. Lacking Hudson's portrait, I have used for a frontispiece a photograph, especially taken for this purpose, of the interior of the Church of Saint Ethelburga: the sole re maining material link, of which we have sure knowledge, between Hudson and our selves. The drawing on the cover represents what is very near to being another material link — the replica, lately built in Holland, xi THE ILLUSTRATIONS of the "Half Moon/' the ship in which Hud son made his most famous voyage* The other illustrations have been selected with a strict regard to the meaning of that word* In order to throw light on the text, I have preferred — to the ventures of fancy — reproductions of title-pages of works on navigation that Hudson probably used; pictures of the few and crude instruments of navigation that he certainly used; and pict ures of ships virtually identical with those in which he sailed. The copy of Wright's famous work on navigation that Hudson may have had. and probably did have* with him was of an earlier date than that (1610) of which the title-page here is reproduced. This repro duction is of interest in that it shows at a glance all of the nautical instruments that Hudson had at his command; and of a still greater interest in that the map which is a xil THE ILLUSTRATIONS part of it exhibits what at that time, by ex ploration or by conjecture, was the known world. To the making of that map Hudson himself contributed: on it, with a previous ly unknown assurance, his River clearly is marked. The inadequate indication of his Bay probably is taken from Weymouth's chart — the chart that Hudson had with him on his voyage. A curious feature of this map is its marking — in defiance of known facts — of two straits, to the north and to the south of a large island, where should be the Isthmus of Panama. The one seemingly fanciful picture, that of the mermaids, is not fanciful — a point that I have enlarged upon elsewhere — by the standard of Hudson's times. Hudson himself believed in the existence of mer maids: as is proved by his matter-of-fact entry in his log that a mermaid had been seen by two of his crew. xiii A BRIEF LIFE OF HENRY HUDSON HENRY HUDSON F ever a compelling Fate set its grip upon a man and drove him to an accomplishment beside his purpose and outside his thought, it was when Henry Hudson — having headed his ship upon an ordered course northeastward — directly traversed his orders by fetching that compass to the southwestward which ended by bringing him into what now is Hudson's River, and which led on quickly to the founding of what now is New York* J HENRY HUDSON Indeed, the late Thomas Aquinas, and the later Calvin, could have made out from the few known facts in the life of this navigator so pretty a case in favor of Pre destination that the blessed St. Augustine and the worthy Arminius — supposing the four come together for a friendly dish of theological talk — would have had their work cut out for them to formulate a countercase in favor of Free Will. It is a curious truth that every important move in Hudson's life of which we have record seems to have been a forced move: some times with a look of chance about it — as when the directors of the Dutch East India Company called him back and hastily renewed with him their suspended agree ment that he should search for a passage to Cathay on a northeast course past Nova Zembla, and so sent him off on the voyage that brought the " Half Moon " into Hud- 2 HENRY HUDSON son's River; sometimes with the fatalism very much in evidence — as when his own government seized him out of the Dutch service, and so put him in the way to go sailing to his death on that voyage through Hudson's Strait that ended, for him, in his mutineering crew casting him adrift to starve with cold and hunger in Hudson's Bay. And, being dead, the same inconsequent Fate that harried him while alive has pre served his name, and very nobly, by an choring it fast to that River and Strait and Bay forever: and this notwithstanding the fact that all three of them were discovered by other navigators before his time* Hudson sought, as from the time of Colum bus downward other navigators had sought before him, a short cut to the Indies; but his search was made, because of what those others had accomplished, within narrowed lines* In the century and more that had 3 HENRY HUDSON passed between the great Admiral's death and the beginning of Hudson's explorations one important geographical fact had been established: that tfcere was no water-way across America between, roughly, the lati tudes of 40° South and 40° North* Of neces sity, therefore — since to round America south of 40° South would make a longer voyage than by the known route around the Cape of Good Hope — exploration that might produce practical results had to be made north of 40° North, either westward from the Atlantic or eastward from the North Sea. Even within those lessened limits much had been determined before Hudson's time. To the eastward, both Dutch and English searchers had gone far along the coast of Russia; passing between that coast and Nova Zembla and entering the Kara Sea. To the westward, in the year J524, Verazzano had 4 Certaine ^ERRORS IN % NAVIGATION TZeteded arul Corrected. JJ-itions flat not ia the jtraxr fdt lien ai ' in FAC-SIMILE OF TITLE-PAGE OF A SEA HAND BOOK OF HUDSON'S TIME HENRY HUDSON sailed along the American coast from 34° to 50° North; and in the coarse of that voyage had entered what now is New York Bay* In the year 1598, Sebastian Cabot had coasted America from 38° North to the mouth of what now is Hudson's Strait. Frobisher had entered that Strait in the year 1577; Weymouth had sailed into it nearly one hundred leagues in the year 1602; and Portuguese navigators, in the years 1558 and 1569, probably had passed through it and had entered what now is Hudson's Bay. As the result of all this exploration, Hud son had at his command a mass of informa tion — positive as well as negative — that at once narrowed his search and directed it; and there is very good reason for believing that he actually carried with him charts of a crude sort on which, more or less clearly, were indicated the Strait and the Bay and the River which popularly are regarded as HENRY HUDSON of his discovery and to which have been given his name* Bat I hold that his just fame is not lessened by the fact that his discoveries, nominally, were rediscoveries. Within the proper meaning of the word they truly were his dis-coveries: in that he did tm-cover them so effectually that they be came known clearly, and thereafter remained known clearly, to the world* n ECAUSE of his Ml accomplish ment of what others essayed and only partially accomplished, Hud son's name is the best known — excepting only that of Columbus — of all the names of explorers by land and sea. From Purchases time downward it has headed the list of Arctic discoverers; in every history of America it has a leading place; on every map of North America it thrice is written large; here in New York, which owes its founding to his exploring voyage, it is uttered — as we refer to the river, the county, the city, the street, the railroad, bearing it — a thousand times a day* 7 HENRY HUDSON And yet, in despite of this familiarity with his name, our certain knowledge of Hudson's life is limited to a period (April J9, J607- June 22, J6JJ ) of little more than four years* Of that period, daring which he did the work that has made him famous, we have a partial record — much of it under his own hand — that certainly is authentic in its general outlines until it reaches the culmi nating tragedy* At the very last, where we most want the clear truth, we have only the one-sided account presented by his mur derers: and murderers, being at odds with moral conventions generally, are not, as a rule, models of veracity* And so it has fallen out that what we know about the end of Hudson's life, save that it ended foully, is as uncertain as the facts of the earlier and larger part of his life are obscure* An American investigator, the late Gen* John Meredith Read, has gone farthest in 8 HENRY HUDSON unearthing facts which enlighten this ob scurity; but with no better result than to establish certain strong probabilities as to Hudson's ancestry and antecedents* By General Read's showing* the Henry Hudson mentioned by Hakluyt as one of the charter members (February 6, 1554-5) of the Musco vy Company* possibly was our navigator's grandfather* He was a freeman of London* a member of the Skinners Company* and sometime an alderman. He died in Decem ber* J555* according to Stow* "of the late hote burning feuers* whereof died many olde persons, so that in London died seven Aldermen in the space of tenne monthes*" They gave that departed worthy a very noble funeral ! Henry Machyn* who had charge of it* describes it in his delightful " Diary " in these terms: " The xx day of December was bered at Sant Donstones in the Est master Hare Herdson* altherman of 9 HENRY HUDSON London and Skynner, and on of the masters of the gray frere in London with men and xxiiij women in mantyl fresse [frieze?] gownes, a herse [catafalque] of wax and hong with blake; and there was my lord mare and the swordberer in blake, and dyvers oder althermen in blake, and the resedew of the althermen, atys berying; and all the masters, boyth althermen and odur, with ther gren staffes in ther hands, and all the chylders of the gray frersse, and iiij in blake gownes bayring iiij gret stayffes- torchys bornying, and then xxiiij men with torchys bornying; and the morrow iij masses songe; and after to ys plasse to dener; and ther was ij goodly whyt branches, and mony prestes and clarkes syngying." Stow adds that the dead alderman's widow, Barbara, caused to be set up in St. Dunstan's to his memory — and also to that of her second husband, Sir Richard Champion, and pro- 10 HENRY HUDSON spectively to her own — a monument in keep ing with their worldly condition and with the somewhat mixed facts of their triangu lar case* This was a " very faire Alabaster Tombe, richly and curiously gilded, and two ancient figures of Aldermen in scarlet kneel ing, the one at the one end of the tombe in a goodly arch, the other at the other end in like manner, and a comely figure of a lady between them, who was wife to them both/' The names have been preserved in legal records of three of the sons — Thomas, John and Edward — of this eminent Londoner: who flourished so greatly in life; who was given so handsome a send-off into eternity; and who, presumably, retains in that final state an undivided one-half interest in the lady whose comely figure was sculptured upon his tomb. General Read found record of a Henry Hudson, mentioned by Stow as n HENRY HUDSON a citizen of London in the year J558, who may also have been a son of the alderman; of a Captain Thomas Hudson, of Limehouse, who had a leading part in an expedition set forth " into the parts of Persia and Media " by the Muscovy Company in the years 1577- 8J; of a Thomas Hudson, of Mortlake, who was a friend of Dr* John Dee, and to whom references frequently are made in the fa mous " Diary " such as the following: 44 March 6 [f 583]. I, and Mr. Adrian Gilbert and John Davis did mete with Mr* Alder man Barnes, Mr* Townson, and Mr* Young, and Mr* Hudson abowt the N.W* voyage." Concerning a Christopher Hudson — who was in the service of the Muscovy Company as its agent and factor at Moscow from about the year 1553 until about the year 1576 — the only certainty is that he was not a son of the Alderman* There is a record of the year J560 that " Christopher Hudson hath 12 201 areat (Bailee* an* pla?ne0, fa>ith.man?&iuerntiejBof funty? ottjer neepe an* tmtquall places , bp rcafon thereof , tljc cart!) cannot truel? be calico roimBr.Cc tfjt « J fay , tliaf in (too man mris,tl)Ccart()istallcDflutit}nt!crffooDetobcrotmDe . ,30 after one mannevtrprakinftpjf cift Ip , it ijt calleDrounDe, asa Circle o; a ^pf)ert , uibicbc toe call rounoe, brcaufe ttjat all rigljt Ipnc0 D^atoen from tb,e center thereof to tlje circumference,are equall. jri)Cot[)frrounnnc(Tt\ teronCDcrcD toit^out t^i'jct pjecifencffe: ano ig fuclj,-w not b? all ty& partes 10 equally Diffant from ijy ? mvDDett o^ center , but hath, fome parted b?0ber , ano fome loto* e r, vet not in fuel) quantitie as may fceflr oy tb^e rounQnefle of f be febole. Sin jf in a iSotole tbere tottt certapne ttyfte* o? bolejf, it flioulor not tljtf cb v leaue to be rounbe , a Itbotijjl; not perftrtl ? ojp?ecifel? rount)e . jjlnofo; tbi» caufe faith Auerrois, tfjataU thougb both ti) e heauenly booies ano tlje € lements art of round fburme,vrtoiffertl)e? in tbw, tbattfjebeauenlpfepberesbaue perfect roimnnenc.tinb the Clcmentes not.3« tfye Cat tb,bv rca^ fon of bis i5Bounta?n ec I taa 1 c * , tlje ft ca b y br» rnrrcaftng, m\j Beer wflng:t be 3 v>pe alfo to; ty» nrarenefTe to the fv.je,anD by bj># contrariette tioet^ fometpme noo,attf> ftmetpme fuffer (that IB to The fa?) ut fomctyme actiu e anb fometime pafftue.feo tbat follottring >aiu tbeone,itfleethtl)eotber,b?reafonto1)ereof, it alfo lacfeefb, per* Jj^ recterounDneCfe, )l5uttbefjpae,fo^aem«cbea8itt£!nearetotbe ,£ concaue of the Circle of H)e^oone, tnljiclj w^pFjcricaU, ma? J1 The "HOW THE EARTH IS ROUND" FAG-SIMILE OF PAGE "THE ARTE OF NAVIGATION LONDON. EDITION 1596 HENRY HUDSON and has learnt his opinions on these subjects; with regard to which the Englishman had also intercourse with Plancius, a great geog rapher and clever mathematician. Plan cius maintains, according to the reasons of his science, and from the information given him, * * * that there must be in the northern parts a passage corresponding to the one found near the south pole by Magellan. . . . The Englishman also reports that, having been to the north as far as 80 degrees, he has found that the more northwards he went, the less cold it became/' Hudson's name is not mentioned by Jean- nin, but as no other navigator had been so far north as 80°, there can be no doubt as to who " the Englishman " was* The letter goes on to urge that the French king should undertake the " glorious enterprise " of searching for a northerly passage to the Indies, and that he should undertake it open- 29 HENRY HUDSON ly: as " the East India Company will not have even a right to complain, because the charter granted to them by the States Gener al authorizes them to sail only around the Cape of Good Hope, and not by the north/' But Jeannin adds that Le Maire "does not dare to speak about it to any one, because the East India Company fears above every thing to be forestalled in this design/' Precisely that fear on the part of the East India Company did undercut the French envoy's plans. In a postscript to his letter he adds: " This letter having been termi nated, and I being ready to send it to your Majesty, Le Maire has again written to me. . . * Some members of the East India Company, who had been informed that the Englishman had secretly treated with him, had become afraid that I might wish to em ploy him for the discovery of the passage. For this reason they have again treated with 30 HENRY HUDSON him about his undertaking such an expedi tion in the course of the present year. The directors of the Amsterdam Chamber have written to the other chambers of the same Company to request their approval; and should the others refuse, the Amsterdam Chamber will undertake the expedition at their own risk/' In point of fact, the other chambers did refuse (although, before Hudson actually sailed, they seem to have ratified the agreement made with him); and the Am sterdam Chamber, single-handed, did set forth the voyage. In view of the fact that the French project in a way was realized, a curiously subtle interest attaches to Jeannin's showing of how narrow were the chances by which Hud son missed being taken into the French service, and was taken into that of the Dutch. A French ship, under the command 4 3J HENRY HUDSON of a captain whose name has not been pre served, did sail for the North — almost pre cisely a month later than Hudson's sailing — on May 5, J609. Beyond the bare fact that such a voyage was made, nothing is known about it: whence the inference is a reason able one that it produced no new discoveries. But suppose that Hudson had commanded; and, so commanding, had not sailed that unknown captain's useless course but had brought his French ship into what now are our bay and our river; and that the French, not the Dutch, had founded the city here that now is— but by those hair-wide chances might not have been — New York? R. HENRY C MURPHY — to whose searchings in the archives of Holland we owe so much — found at The Hague a manuscript history of the East India Com pany, written by P* van Dam in the seven teenth century, in which a copy of Hudson's contract with the Company is preserved* The contract reads as follows: " On this eighth of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and nine, the Directors of the East India Com pany of the Chamber of Amsterdam of the ten years reckoning of the one part, and Master Henry Hudson, Englishman, assisted 33 HENRY HUDSON by Jodocus Hondius1, of the other part, have agreed in manner following, to wit: That the said Directors shall in the first place equip a small vessel or yacht of about thirty lasts [60 tons] burden, well provided with men, provisions and other necessaries, with which the above named Hudson shall, about the first of April, sail in order to search for a passage by the north, around the north side of Nova Zembla, and shall continue thus along that parallel until he shall be able to sail southward to the latitude of sixty degrees. He shall obtain as much knowl edge of the lands as can be done without any considerable loss of time, and if it is possible return immediately in order to make a faithful report and relation of his voyage 1 Hondius, an eminent map-engraver of the time, was a Fleming, who, being driven from Flanders by the Spanish cruelties, made his home in Amsterdam, where he died in the year J6IJ. 34 TT H P ARTE OF NAVI CATION. F 1 Contayning a brei fe defer iption of ' the Spheare, with the panes and Circles ot tfee fame : as alfo the making and vfe of ceruinelnftrumenrs. Verynecefsa- rieforall fortes ofSea-men to •vndeinand. Firft written inSpanifh by Martin £«mV,and tranflated into Englifh by Richard Eden: and laflly corrected and aug mented, with a Regimentor Table of declina tion, and dmersother necefl" ry tables and rules of common Naui- gation. Calculated (thisyeare i ; 9 6. being leap yeare) by f. T- Imprintedat London by E4w. Allde for Hugh dftley, by the afsignes of Richard Watkjns, and are to be folde at SainS Magnus 2 HENRY HUDSON 4 If I cotild have got Long's gtm I would have killed him/ Bender 'brutally treated Elli son, who was very weak; and Schneider abused Whistler as he was dying — the second occurrence of the kind. * * . The thefts of food by Henry, and his execution, formed a cul mination to the dissensions, though it did not entirely stop them* Never was there a more terrible example of the demoralizing effects of the conditions of Arctic life and privations upon men who in other circum stances were able to dwell at peace with their fellows/' Out of those conditions came like results aboard Hudson's ship: discontent develop ing into insubordination; hatred of the com mander; hatred of each other; petty squab- blings leading on to tragedies — as minor ills were magnified into catastrophes and little injuries into deadly wrongs* Strictly in keeping with the mean traditions of the 9J HENRY HUDSON Arctic is the fact that the point of departure of the final mutiny was a wrangle that arose over the ownership of " a gray cloth gowne." Prickett records: " About the middle of this moneth of November dyed John Will iams our Gunner* God pardon the Masters uncharitable dealing with this man. Now for that I am come to speake of him, out of whose ashes (as it were) that unhappie deed grew which brought a scandall upon all that are returned home, and upon the action it self, the multitude (like the dog) running after the stone, but not at the caster; there fore, not to wronge the living nor slander the dead, I will (by the leave of God) deliver the truth as neere as I can/' Prickett's deliverance of the truth leaves much to be desired. Without giving any information in regard to Hudson's " un charitable dealing " with the gunner, he takes a fresh departure in these words: 92 HENRY HUDSON '* You shall understand that oar Master kept (in his house at London) a young man named Henrie Greene, borne in Kent, of worshipfull parents, but by his leud life and conversation hee had lost the good will of all his frinds, and had spent all that hee had. This man our Master would have to sea with him because hee could write: well. . * • This Henrie Greene was not set down in the owners booke, nor any wages for him. ... At Island the Surgeon and hee fell out in Dutch, and hee beat him ashoare in English, which set all the Companie in a rage soe that wee had much adoe to get the Surgeon aboord. [This curiously parallels the fight between Surgeon Pavy and Lieu tenant Kislingbury] . . . Robert Juet, (the Masters Mate) would needs burne his finger in the embers, and tolde the Carpenter a long tale (when hee was drunke) that our Master had brought in Greene to cracke his credit 93 HENRY HUDSON that should displease him: which wordes came to the Masters eares, who when hee understood it, would have gone back to Island, when hee was fortie leagues from thence, to have sent home his Mate Robert Juet in a fisherman. But, being otherwise perswaded, all was well. . * . Now when our Gunner was dead, and (as the order is in such cases) if the Company stand in neede of any thing that belonged to the man deceased, then it is brought to the mayne mast, and there sold to them that will give moste for the same. This Gunner had a gray cloth gowne, which Greene prayed the Master to friend him so much as to let him have it, paying for it as another would give. The Master saith hee should, and thereupon hee answered some, that sought to have it, that Greene should have it, and none else, and soe it rested. 44 Now out of season and time the Master 94 HENRY HUDSON calleth the Carpenter to goe in hand with an house on shoaret which at the beginning our Master would not heare, when it might have been done. The Carpenter told him, that the snow and froste were such, as hee neither could nor would goe in hand with such worke. Which when our Master heard, hee ferreted him out of his cabbin to strike him, calling him by many foule names, and threat ening to hang him. The Carpenter told him that hee knew what belonged to his place better than himself e, and that he was no house carpenter. So this passed, and the house was (after) made with much labour, but to no end* The next day after the Master and the Carpenter fell out, the Car penter took his peece and Henrie Greene with him, for it was an order that none should goe out alone, but one with a peece and another with a pike. This did move the Master soe much the more against 95 HENRY HUDSON Henrie Greene, that Robert Billot his Mate [who had been promoted to Juet's place] must have the gowne, and had it delivered unto him; which when Henrie Greene saw he challenged the Masters promise [to him]* Bat the Master did so raile on Greene, with so many words of disgrace, telling him that all his friends would not trust him with twenty shillings, and therefore why should hee. As for wages hee had none, nor none should have if hee did not please him well. Yet the Master had promised him to make his wages as good as any mans in the ship; and to have him one of the Princes guard when we came home. But you shall see how the devil out of this soe wrought with Greene that he did the Master what mischiefe hee could in seeking to discredit him, and to thrust him and many other honest men out of the ship in the end. To speake of all our trouble in this time of Winter (which was so 96 HENRY HUDSON colde, as it lamed the most of our Companie and my selfe doe yet feele it) would bee too tedious/' That is all that Prickett tells about their wintering; but what he leaves untold, as 44 too tedious," easily may be filled in* Be ginning with that brabble over the "gray cloth gowne," there must have gone on in Hudson's party the same bickerings and wranglings that went on in Greely's party, and the same development of small ani mosities into burning hatreds* And it all, with Hudson's people, must have been rougher and fiercer and deadlier than it was with Greely's people: because Hudson's crew was of a time when sea-men, for cause, were called sea-wolves; while Greely's crew was the better (yet exhibited scant evidence of it) by an additional two centuries and a half of civilization, and was made up (though with little to show for it) of picked men. 97 XII HE end came in the spring-time* Through the winter the party had 44 such store of fowle," and later had for a while so good a supply of fish, that starvation was staved off. When the ice broke up, about the mid dle of June, Hudson sailed from his winter quarters and went out a little way into Hud son's Bay* There they were caught and held in the floating ice — with their stores almost exhausted, and with no more fowl nor fish to be had* Then the nip of hunger came; and with it came openly the mutiny that secretly had been fermenting through those months of cold and gloom. 98 HENRY HUDSON Prickett writes: " Being thus in the ice on Saturday, the one and twentieth of June, at night, Wilson the boat swayne, and Henry Greene, came to mee lying (in my cabbin) lame, and told mee that they and the rest of their associates would shift the company and turne the Master and all the sicke men into the shallop, and let them shift for them selves. For there was not fourteen daies victuall left for all the company, at that poore allowance they were at, and that there they lay, the Master not caring to goe one way or other: and that they had not eaten any thing these three dayes, and therefore were resolute, either to mend or end, and what they had begun they would goe through with it, or dye/' According to his own account, Prickett made answer to this precious pair of scoun drels that he " marvelled to heare so much from them, considering that they were 99 HENRY HUDSON married men, and had wives and children, and that for their sakes they should not commit so foule a thing in the sight of God and man as that would bee "; to which Greene replied that " he knew the worst, which was, to be hanged when hee came home, and therefore of the two he would rather be hanged at home than starved abroad/' With that deliverance " Henry Greene went his way, and presently came Juet, who, because he was an ancient man, I hoped to have found some reason in him. But hee was worse than Henry Greene, for he sware plainly that he would justifie this deed when he came home/' More of the conspirators came to Prickett to urge him to join them in their intended crime* We have his weak word for it that he refused, and that he tried to stay them; to which he weakly adds: " I hoped that some one or other would give some notice, either 100 to the Carpenter [or to] John King or the Master/' That he did not try to give "some notice " himself is the blackest count against him* The just inference may be drawn from his narrative, as a whole, that he was a liar; and from this particular section of it the farther inference may be drawn that he was a coward* In the dawn of the Sunday morning the outbreak came* Prickett tells that it began by clapping the hatch over John King (one of the faithful men), who had gone down into the hold for water; and continues: " In the meane time Henrie Greene and another went to the carpenter [Philip Staf f e] and held him with a talke till the Master came out of hiscabbin (which hee soonedid); then came John Thomas and Bennet before him, while Wilson bound his arms behind him* He asked them what they meant. They told him he should know when he was in the JOl : HMD SON shallop* Now Juet, while this was a-doing, came to John King into the hold, who was provided for himt for he had got a sword of his own, and kept him at a bay, and might have killed him, bat others came to helpe him, and so he came up to the Master. The Master called to the Carpenter, and told him that he was bound, but I heard no answer he made. Now Arnold Lodlo and Michael Bute rayled at them, and told them their knaverie would show itselfe* Then was the shallop haled up to the ship side, and the poore sicke and lame men were called upon to get them out of their cabbins into the shallop. " The Master called to me, who came out of my cabbin as well as I could, to the hatch way to speake with him: where, on my knees, I besought them, for the love of God, to remember themselves, and to doe as they would be done unto. They bade me keepe J02 HENRY HUDSON myselfe well, and get me into my cabbin; not suffering the Master to speake with me* But when I came into my cabbin againe, hee called to me at the home which gave light into my cabbin, and told me that Juet would overthrow us all; nay (said I) it is that villaine Henrie Greene, and I spake it not softly* Now was the Carpenter at libertie, who asked them if they would bee hanged when they came home: and, as for himself e, hee said, hee would not stay in the ship un less they would force him* They bade him goe then, for they would not stay him* . * * 44 Now were all the poore men in the shallop, whose names are as followeth: Henrie Hudson, John Hudson, Arnold Lodlo, Sidrack Faner, Philip Staf f e, Thomas Wood- house or Wydhouse, Adam Moore, Henrie [sic] King, Michael Bute* The Carpenter got of them a peece, and powder, and shot, and some pikes, an iron pot, with some meale, 9 103 HENRY HUDSON and other things* They stood out of the ice, the shallop being fast to the sterne of the shippe, and so (when they were nigh otrt, for I cannot say they were cleane out) they cut her head fast from the sterne of our ship, then otrt with their top sayles, and toward the east they stood in a cleere sea. 44 In the end they took in their top sayles, righted their helme, and lay tinder their fore sayle till they had ransacked and searched all places in the ship. In the hold they found one of the vessels of meale whole, and the other halfe spent, for wee had but two; wee found also two firkins of batter, some twentie seven pieces of porke, halfe a bushell of pease; btrt in the Masters cabbin we found two hundred of bisket cakes, a pecke of meale, of beere to the quantitie of a butt, one with another. Now it was said that the shallop was come within sight, they let fall the main sayle, and out with their top 104 HENRY HUDSON sayles, and fly as from an enemy. Then I prayed them yet to remember themselves; but William Wilson (more than the rest) would heare of no such matter* Comming nigh the east shore they cast about, and stood to the west and came to an iland and anchored. . . . Heere we lay that night* and the best part of the next day* in all which time we saw not the shallop, or ever after*" That is the story of Hudson's murder as we get it from his murderers; and even from Prickett's biased narrative so complete a case is made out against the mutineers that there is comfort in knowing that some of them, and the worst of them, came quickly to their just reward. XIII MONTH later, July 28, a halt was made in the mouth of Hud son's Strait to search for "fowle " for food on the homeward voyage* There " savages " were encounter ed, seemingly of so friendly a nature that on the day following the first meeting with them a boat's crew — of which Prickett was one — went ashore unarmed. Then came a sudden attack. Prickett himself was set upon in the boat — of which, " being lame/' he had been left keeper — by a savage whom he managed to kill. What happened to the others he thus tells: 44 Whiles I was thus assaulted in the boat, 106 HENRY HUDSON our men were set upon on the shoare. John Thomas and William Wilson had their bowels cut, and Michael Perse and Henry Greene, being mortally wounded, came tumbling into the boat together* When Andrew Moter saw this medley, hee came running downe the rockes and leaped into the sea, and so swamme to the boat, hang ing on the sterne thereof, till Michael Perse took him in, who manfully made good the head of the boat against the savages, that pressed sore upon us* Now Michael Perse had got an hatchet, wherewith I saw him strike one of them, that he lay sprawling in the sea* Henry Greene crieth Coragio* and layeth about him with his truncheon. I cryed to them to cleere the boat, and Andrew Moter cryed to bee taken in* The savages betooke them to their bowes and arrowes, which they sent amongst us, wherewith Henry Greene was slaine out- J07 HENRY HUDSON right, and Michael Perse received many wounds, and so did the rest* Michael Perse cleereth [unfastened] the boate, and puts it from the shoare, and helpeth Andrew Moter in; but in turning of the boat I received a cruell wound in my backe with an arrow* Michael Perse and Andrew Moter rowed the boate away, which, when the savages saw, they ranne to their boats, and I feared they would have launched them to have followed us, but they did not, and our ship was in the middle of the channel and could not see us* 44 Now, when they had rowed a good way from the shoare, Michael Perse fainted, and could row no more. Then was Andrew Moter driven to stand in the boat head, and waft to the ship, which at first saw us not, and when they did they could not tell what to make of us, but in the end they stood for us, and so tooke us up* Henry Greene was throwne out of the boat into the 108 -route the Co fake f he altitude of tb.e &>unuc ,f)aug tp tlje ^drolabie b£ . ojput it fiotone in tire quarter t^at i« araouate.tjntill ttje beamed of t^c^iunne enter inbgt&e little ^ole of tljeotljer tablet o; ra> feoplatc,sn&p?ecifel?bp ttjeotljerlitle Ijoleof tljc ot^er tablet. Chen looke topon the l vm' of confluence : «no boto matt^ Degree* itcijetoftbin tbc quarter tljat is. graduate (beginning from t^e l^o^ijontall l^ne) foman^dearceis of teigbt hatb tbc ^unnc. 3ttlikcmaner Ojalt you ooo to take tbe altitude of an? other &tar,loottin&tl)?ougt) tbegteat l)dex(,becaurpti)t«mavijarDl^ The AN ASTROLABIE. 1596 FROM "THE ARTE OF NAVIGATION." LONDON. EDITION 1595 HENRY HUDSON sea, and the rest were had aboardt the savage [with whom Prickett had fought] being yet alive, yet without sense* But they died all there that day, William Wilson swearing and cursing in most fearefull manner* Michael Perse lived two dayes after, and then died* Thus you have heard the trag- icall end of Henry Greene and his mates, whom they called captaine, these four being the only lustie men in all the ship." I am glad that Prickett got "a cruell wound in the backe*" Were it not that by the killing of him we should have lost his narrative, I should wish that that weak villain had been killed along with the stronger ones* They were strong* It was a brave fight that they made; and Henry Greene's last recorded word, " Coragio! " was worthy of the lips of a better man* But he and the others eminently deserved the death that the savages gave them, and it J09 HENRY HUDSON is good to know that Hudson's murder so soon was avenged* Juet's equally exem plary punishment, equally deserved, came a little later. On the homeward voyage the whole company got to the very edge, and Juet passed beyond the edge, of starvation. When the ship was only sixty or seventy leagues from Ireland, where she made her landfall, Prickett tells that he " dyed for meere want/' What befell the survivors of the " Dis covery's " crew, on the ship's return to England, has remained until now unknown; and even now the account of them is incon clusive. In the Latin edition of the year 1613 of his "Detectio Freti " Hessel Ger- ritz wrote: " They exposed Hudson and the other officers in a boat on the open sea, and returned into their country. There they have been thrown into prison for their crime, and will be kept in prison until their no HENRY HUDSON captain shall be safely brought home. For that purpose some ships have been sent out last year by the late Prince of Wales and by the Directors of the Moscovia Company, about the return of which nothing as yet has been heard/' For three hundred years that statement of fact has ended Hudson's story* The fragmentary documents which I have been so fortunate as to obtain from the Record Office carry it a little, only a little* farther* Unhappily they stop short — giving no as surance that the mutineers got to the gal lows that they deserved* All that they prove is that the few survivors were brought to trial: charged with having put the master of their ship* and others, " into a shallop, without food, drink, fire, clothing, or any necessaries, and then maliciously abandon ing them: so that they came thereby to their death, and miserably perished*" in HENRY HUDSON There, unfinished, the record ends. What penalty, or that any penalty, was exacted of those who survived to be tried for Hudson's murder remains unknown. Their ignoble fate is hidden in a sordid darkness: fitly in contrast with his noble fate — that lies re tired within a glorious mystery. XIV UDSON has no cause to quarrel with the rating that has been fixed for him in the eternal balances. All that he lost (or seemed to lose) _ in life has been more than made good to him in the flowing of the years since he fought out with Fate his last losing round. In his River and Strait and Bay he has such monuments set up before the whole world as have been awarded to only one other navigator. And they are his justly. Before his time, those great waterways, and that great inland sea, were mere hazy geo graphical concepts. After his time they H3 HENRY HUDSON were clearly defined geographical facts* He did — and those who had seen them before him did not — make them effectively known. Here, in this city of New York — which owes to him its being — he has a monument of a different and of a nobler sort. Here, as suredly, down through the coming ages his memory will be honored actively, his name will be in men's mouths ceaselessly, so long as the city shall endure. And I hold that Hudson's fame, as a most brave explorer and as a great discoverer, is not dimmed by the fact that up to a certain point he followed in other men's footsteps; nor do I think that his glory is lessened by his seeming predestination to go on fixed lines to a fixed end* On the contrary, I think that his fame is brightened by his willingness to follow, that he might — as he did — surpass his predecessors; and that his glory is increased by the resolute firmness J14 HENRY HUDSON with which he played up to his destiny. Holding fast to his great purpose to find a passage to the East by the North, he com pelled every one of Fate's deals against him — until that last deal — to turn in his favor; and even in that last deal he won a death so heroically woful that exalted pity for him, almost as much as admiration for his great achievements, has kept his fame through the centuries very splendidly alive* NEWL Y- DISCO VERED DOCUMENTS CONCERNING THE DOCUMENTS N an article entitled "English Ships in the Time of James I./' by R. G. Marsden, M.A., in Volume XIX of the Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, I came upon this entry: 4 * Discovery ' (or * Hope- well/ or * Good Hope ') Hudson's ship on his last voyage; Baffin also sailed in her/' A list of references to manuscript records followed; and one of the entries, relating to the High Court of Admiralty, read: " Exam* 42. 25 Jan. I6H. trial of some of the crew for the murder of Hudson/' Note — The varying spelling, merst obvious in proper names, follows that of the documents. H9 HENRY HUDSON As I have stated elsewhere, none of the historians who has dealt with matters relat ing to Hudson has told what became of his murderers when they returned to England. Hessel Gerritz alone has given the informa tion (J6J3, two years after the event) that they " were to be " put on trial. Whether they were, or were not, put on trial has re mained unknown. Any one who has en gaged in the fascinating pursuit of elusive historical truth will understand, therefore, my warm delight, and my warm gratitude to Mr. Marsden, when this clew to hitherto unpublished facts concerning Hudson was placed in my hands. Following it has not led me so far as, in my first enthusiasm, I hoped that it would lead me. The search that I have caused to be made in the Record Office, in London, has not brought to light even all of the doc uments referred to by Mr. Marsden. The J20 . HENRY HUDSON record of the trial is incomplete; and, most regrettably, the most essential of all the documents is lacking: the judgment of the Court* So far as the mutineers are concern ed, all that these documents prove is that they actually were brought to trial: what penalty was put upon them, or if any penalty was put upon them, still remains unknown. But in another way these documents do possess a high value, and are of an exception al interest, in that they exhibit the sworn testimony of six eye-witnesses to the fact as to the circumstances of Hudson's out- casting* Five of these witnesses now are produced (in print) for the first time* The sixth, Abacuck Prickett, was the author of the " Larger Discourse " that hitherto has been the sole source of information con cerning the final mutiny on board the " Dis covery*" That Prickett's sworn testimony and unsworn narrative substantially are in J2J HENRY HUDSON agreement, as they are, is not surprising; nor does such agreement appreciably affect the truth of either of them. Sworn or un sworn, Prickett was not a person from whom pure truth could be expected when, as in this case, he was trying to tell a story that would save him from being hanged. Neither is the corroboration of Prickett's story by the five newly produced witnesses — they equally being in danger of hanging— in itself convincing. But certain of the details (e, g,, the door between Hudson's cabin and the hold) brought out in this new testimony, together with the way in which it all hangs together, does raise the proba bility that the crew of the " Discovery " had more than a colorable grievance against Hudson, and does imply that Prickett "s ob viously biased narrative may be less far from the truth than heretofore it has been held to be* 122 HENRY HUDSON The summing up of the Trinity House examination gives the crux of the matter: 44 They all charge the Master with wasting [i. e*, filching] the victuals by a scuttle made out of his cabin into the hold, and it appears that he fed his favorites, as the surgeon, etc*, and kept others at ordinary allowance* All say that, to save some from starving, they were content to put away [abandon] so many/' It was from this presentment that the Elder Brethren drew the just conclusion — as we know from Prickett's characteristic denial under oath that he " ever knew or heard " such expression of their opinion — that 44 they deserved to be hanged for the same/' In the testimony of Edward Wilson, the surgeon — one of the " favorites " — the point is made, credited to Staffe, that " the reason why the Master should soe favour to give meate to some of the companie and not the J23 HENRY HUDSON rest " was because " it was necessary that some of them should be kepte upp " — in other words, that some members of the crewt without regard to the needs of the remainder, should receive food enough to give them strength to work the ship. This is an agree ment, substantially, with the charge pre ferred against Hudson in the " Larger Dis course "; upon which Dr. Asher made the exculpating comment: " But even if this charge be a true one, Hudson's motives were certainly honorable; with such men as he had under his orders it was dangerous to deal openly* Their crime had no other cause than the fear that he would continue his search and expose them to new priva tions: and it seems that in providing for this emergency, he had even increased his dangers/' Dr. Asher 's excuse, I should add, refers more to concealment of food than to unfair apportionment. 124 HENRY HUDSON I have no desire to play the part of devil's advocate; but — in the guise of that person age tinder his more respectable title of Pro- motor Fidei — it is my duty to point out that if Hudson deliberately did " keep up " him self and a favored few by putting the re mainder on starvation rations — no matter what may have been his motives — he ex ceeded his ship-master's right over his crew of life and death* His doing so, if he did do so, did not justify mutiny* Mutiny is a sea -crime that no provocation justifies. But if the point at issue was who should die of hunger that the others should have food enough to keep them alive, then the mutineers could claim — and this is what virtually they did claim in making their defence — that they did by the Master in a swift and bold way precisely what in a slow and underhand way he was doing by them* 125 HENRY HUDSON In the more agreeable role of Postulator, I may add that this charge against Hudson — while not disproved — is not sustained. The one witness, Robert Byletht of whom reputable record survives — the only witness, indeed, of whom we have any record what ever beyond that of the case in hand — did not even refer to it. In his Admiralty Court examination — he is not included in the record of those examined at the Trinity House — he said no more than that the " dis content " of the crew was " by occasion of the want of victualls." Neither in his state ment in chief nor in his cross-examination did he charge Hudson with wrong-doing of any kind. Byleth himself does not seem to have been looked upon as a criminal: as is implied by his being sent with Captain Button (J6 12) on the exploring expedition toward the northwest that was directed to search for Hudson; by his sailing two voy- 126 HENRY HUDSON ages (1615-1616) with Baffin; and, still more strongly, by the fact that he was em ployed on each of these occasions by the very persons — members of the Muscovy Company and others — who most would have desired to punish him had they believed that punishment was his just desert* That he did not testify against Hudson must count, there fore, as a strong point in Hudson's favor; so strong — his credibility and theirs being con sidered comparatively — that it goes far tow ard offsetting the testimony of the haber dasher and the barber - surgeon and the common sailors by whom Hudson was accused. But it is useless to try to draw substantial conclusions from these fragmentary records. The most that can be deduced from them — and even that, because of Byleth's silence, hesitantly — is that in a general way they do tend to confirm Prickett's narrative. They X27 HENRY HUDSON would be more to my liking if this were not the case. A curious feature of the trial of the mu tineers is its long delay — more than five years. The Trinity House authorities acted promptly. Almost immediately upon the return to London of the eight survivors of the " Discovery " five of them (Prickett, Wilson, Clemens, Motter and Mathews — no mention is made in the record of Byleth, Bond, and the boy Syms) were brought be fore the Masters (October 24, \6U) for ex amination. In a single day their examina tion was concluded: with the resulting ver dict of the Masters upon their actions that they "deserved to be hanged for the same/' Three months later, 25 January, J6U (0. S.), the matter was before the Instance and Prize Records division of the High Court of Admiralty; of which hearing the only record ed result is the examination of the barber- 128 HENRY HUDSON surgeon, Edward Wilson. Then, apparently, the mutineers were left to their own devices for five fall years* So far as the records show, no action was taken until the trial began in Oyer and Ter- miner. The date of that beginning cannot be fixed precisely — there being no date at tached to the True Bill found against Bileth, Prickett, Wilson, Motter, Bond, and Sims. (For some unknown reason Mathews and Clemens were not included in the indict ment; although Clemens, certainly, was with in the jurisdiction of the Court.) The date may be fixed very closely, however, by the fact that the two most important witnesses, Prickett and Byleth, were examined on 7 February, 16 J6 (0. S.). Three months later, 13 May, 1617 (O. S.), Clemens was ex amined* And that is all! There, in the very middle of the trial — leaving in the air the examinations of the other witnesses and J29 HENRY HUDSON the judgments of the Court — the records end. Had document No. 2 of the Oyer and Ter- miner series been found, some explanation of the five years' delay of the trial might have been forthcoming; and the exact date of its beginning probably would have been fixed. As the records stand, they leave us — so far as the trial is concerned — with a series of in creasingly disappointing negatives: We do not know why two of the crew — one of them certainly within reach of the Court — were not included in the indictment; nor why the trial was postponed for so long a time; nor certainly when it ended; nor, worst of all, what was its result* I should be glad to believe that the muti neers — even including Byleth, who was the best of them — came to the hanging that the Elder Brethren of the Trinity, in their off hand just judgment, declared that they 130 HENRY HUDSON deserved* If they did, there is no known record of their hanging, A curiously sug gestive interest, however, attaches to the fact that at just about the time when the trial ended one of them, and the only con spicuous one of them, seems permanently to have disappeared* That most careful in vestigator the late Mr, Alexander Brown was unable to find any sure trace of Byleth after his second voyage with Baffin, which was made in March- August, 16 16. Seven months later, as the subjoined records prove, he was on trial for his life. It seems to me to be at least a possibility that the result of that trial may have led directly to his per manent disappearance. If it did, and if Prickett and the others in a like way dis appeared with him, then was justice done on Hudson's murderers. THE DOCUMENTS Trinity House MS. Transactions. J609- J625. (24 October J611) The 9 men turned out of the ship: Henry Hudson, master. John Hudson, his son. Arnold Ladley. John King, quarter master. Michael Butt, married. Thomas Woodhouse, a mathematician, put away in great distress. Adame Moore. Philip Staff, carpenter. Syracke Fanner, married. John "Williams, died on 9 October. — Ivet [Juet], died coming home. Slain: Henry Greene. J32 HENRY HUDSON William Wilson. John Thomas. Michell Peerce. Men that came home: Robart Billet, master. Abecocke Prickettt a land man put in by the Adventurers. Edward Wilson, surgeon. Francis Clemens, boteson. Adrian Motter. Bennet Mathues, a land man. Nicholas Syms, boy. Silvanus Bond, couper. After Hudson was put out, the company elected Billet as master. Abacuck Pricket, sworn, says the ship began to return about J2th June, and about the 22d or 23d, they put away the master. Greene and Wilson were employed to fish for the com pany, and being at sea combined to steal away the shallope, but at last resolved to take away the ship, and put the master and other im portant men into the shallope. He clears the now master of any foreknowl- 11 133 HENRY HUDSON edge of this complot, but they relied on Ivett's judgment and skill. Edward Wilson, surgeon, knew nothing of the putting of the master out of the ship, till he saw him pinioned down before his cabin door. Francis Clemens, Adrian Motter and Bennet Mathues say the master was put out of the ship by the consent of all that were in health, in regard that their victualls were much wasted by him; some of those that were put away were directly against the master, and yet for safety of the rest put away with him, and all by those men that were slain principally. They all charge the master with wasting the victuals by a scuttle made out of his cabin into the hold, and it appears that he fed his favour ites, as the surgeon, etc., and kept others at only ordinary allowance. All say that, to save some from starving, they were content to put away so many, and that to most of them it was utterly unknown who should go, or who tarry, but as affection or rage did guide them in that fury that were authors and executors of that plot. J34 HENRY HUDSON Instance & Prize Records, (High Court of Admiralty). Examinations, &c. Series I* Vol. 42. \6\\-\2 to J6H. Die Sabbto XXV'° January 1611. EDWARD WILLSON, of Portesmouth Surgion aged xxij yeares sworne and examined before the Right Wor11 Mr [Master] Doctor Trevor Judge of His Matyes High Court of the Admiltye concerninge his late beinge at sea in the Discovery of London whereof Henry Hud son was Mr for the Northwest discovery sayth as followeth. Being dematmded whether he was one of the companie of the Discovery wherof Henry Hud son was Mr for the Northwest passage saythe by vertue of his oathe that he was Surgion of the said Shipp the said voyadge. Beinge asked further whether there was not a mutynie in the said Shipp the said voyadge by some of the companie of the said Shipp against the Mr, and of the manner and occasion thereof and by whome saythe that their victualls were soe scante that they had but two quartes of meale allowed to serve "xxij men for a day, and that the Mr had bread and cheese and aquavite in his cabon and called some of the 135 HENRY HUDSON companie whome he favoured to eate and drinke with him in his cabon whereuppon those that had nothinge did grudge and mutynye both against the Mr and those that he gave bread and drinke untot the begynning whereof was thus viz*- One "William Willson then Boateswayne of the said shipp but since slayne by the salvages went up to Phillipp Staf fe the Mrs Mate and asked him the reason why the Mr should soe favour to give meate to some of the companie, and not the rest whoe aunswer- ed that it was necessary that some of them should be kepte upp Whereuppon Willson went downe agayne and told one Henry Greene what the said Phillipp Staffe had said to the said Willson Whereuppon they with others consented together and agreed to pynion him the said Mr and one John Kinge whoe was Quarter Mr and put them into a shallopp and Phillipp Staffe mighte have stayed still in the shipp but he would voluntarilie goe into the said shallopp for love of the Mr uppon condi tion that they would give him his clothes (which he had) there was allso six more besides the other three putt into the said shallopp whoe thinkeinge that they were onely put into the shallopp to keepe the said Hudson the Mr 136 HENRY HUDSON and Kinge till the victuals were a sharinge went out willinglie but afterwards findinge that the companie in the shipp would not suffer them to come agayne into the shipp they desyred that they mighte have their cloathes and soe pte of them was delivered them, and the rest of their apparell was soulde at the mayne mast to them that would give most for them and an inventory of every mans pticuler goodes was made and their money was paid by Mr Allin tary to their friendes heere in England and deducted out of their wages that soe boughte them when they came into England. Beinge asked whoe were the pties that con sented to this mutynie saythe he knoweth not otherwise then before he hath deposed savinge he saythe by vertue of his oathe that this exact never knewe thereof till the Mr was brought downe pynioned and sett downe before this eaxtes cabon and then this examinate looked out and asked him what he ayled and he said that he was pynioned and then this exate would have come out of his cabon to have gotten some victualls amongest them and they that had bounde the Mr said to this exate that yf he were well he should keepe himselfe soe and further saythe that neither did Silvanus J37 HENRY HUDSON Bond Nicholas Simmes and Frances Clements consente to this practize against the Mr of this exates knowledge. Beinge demaunded whether he knoweth that the Hollanders have an intent to goe forthe uppon a discovery to the said Northwest pas- sadge and whether they have anie card [chart] delivered them concerninge the said discovery saythe that this exate for his parte never gave them anie card or knowledge of the said dis covery but he hath heard saye that they in tend such a voyadge and more he cannot saye savinge that some gentlemen and merchants of London that are interessed in this discovery have shewed divers cardes abroad w* happelie might come to some of their knowledge. Beinge asked further whither there bee a passadge throughe there he saythe that by all likeliehood there is by reason of the tyde of flood came out of the westerne ptes and the tyde of ebbe out of the easterne which may bee easely discovered yf such may bee imployed as have beene acquainted with the voyadge and knoweth the manner of the ice but in com- inge backe agayne they keepinge the northerne most land aboard found little or noe ice in the passadge. 138 HENRY HUDSON Beinge asked what became of the said Hud son the Mr and the rest of the companie that were put into the shallopp saythe that they put out sayle and followed after them that were in the shipp the space of halfe an houre and when they sawe the shipp put one [on] more sayle and that they could not f ollowe them then they putt in for the shoare and soe they lost sighte of them and never heard of them since And more he cannot depose. Rich: Trevor. Edw: Willsonn. I certify that the foregoing is a true and authentic copy. J. F. Handcock, Assistant-Keeper of the Public Records London, 9th June, J909. Admiralty Court. Oyer and Terminer. 6. No. 2 cannot be found. The bundle com mences at present with No. 8. No. 77. True Bill found for the trial of Robert Bileth alias Blythe, late of the precinct of St. Katherine next the Tower of London, co. Middlesex, mariner, Abacucke Prickett, late of the city of London, haberdasher, Ed- HENRY HUDSON ward Wilson of the same, barber-surgeon, Adrian Matter, late of Ratcliffe, Middlesex, mariner; Silvanus Bonde, of London, cooper, and Nicholas Sims, late of Wapping, sailor, to be indicted for having, on 22 June 9 James I, in a certain ship called The Discovery of the port of London, then being on the high sea near Hudson's Straits in the parts of America, pin ioned the arms of Henry Hudson, late of the said precinct of St. Katherine, mariner, then master of the said ship The Discovery, and putting him thus bound, together with John Hudson, his son, Arnold Ladley, John Kinge, Michael Butt, Thomas Woodhouse, Philip Staffe, Adam Moore and Sidrach Fanner, mariners of the said ship, into a shallop, with out food, drink, fire, clothing or any neces saries, and then maliciously abandoning them, so that they came thereby to their death and miserably perished. [Latin. Not dated.] Admiralty. Oyer and Terminer. 4J* [cdbstrad] Friday 7 February, 1616 [O.S.] Abacucke Prickett, of London, haberdasher, examined, says that Henry Hudson, John Hud- J40 HENRY HUDSON son, Thomas Widowes, Philip Staffe, John Kinge, Michael Burte, Sidrach Fanner, Adrian Moore and John Ladley, mariners of the Dis covery in the voyage for finding out the N. W. passage, about 6 years past, were put out of the ship by force into the Shallop in the strait called Hudson's Strait in America, by Henry Grene, John Thomas, John Wilson, Michael Pearce, and others, by reason they were sick and victuals wanted, " under account " [i. e., if rations from the existing scant store were served out equally] they should starve for want of food if all the company should return home in the ship. Philip Staffe went out of the ship of his own accord, for the love he bare to the said Hudson, who was thrust out of the ship. Grene, with \\ or J2 more of the com pany, sailed away with the Discovery, leaving Hudson and the rest in the shallop in the month of June in the ice. What became of them he knows not* He was lame in his legs at the time, and unable to stand. He greatly lamented the deed, and had no hand in it. Hudson and Staffe were the best friends he had in the ship. About five weeks after the said ship came to Sir Dudley Digges Island. Here Grene, 141 HENRY HUDSON Wilson, Thomas, Pearse and Adrian Mouter would needs go ashore to trade with the savages, and were betrayed and set upon by the savages, and all of them sore wounded, yet recovered the boat before they died* Grene, coming into the boat, died presently, Wilson, Thomas and Pearse were taken into the ship, and died a few hours afterwards, two of them having had their bowels cut out. The blood upon the clothes brought home was the blood of these persons so wounded and slain by the savages, and no other. There was falling out between Grene and Hudson the master, and between Wilson the surgeon and Hudson, and between Staf fe and Hudson, but no mutiny was in question, until of a sudden the said Grene and his consorts forced the said Hudson and the rest into the shallop, and left them in the ice. The chests of Hudson and the rest were opened, and their clothes, and such things as they had, inventoried and sold by Grene and the others, and some of the clothes were worn. Thomas Widowes was thrust out of the ship into the shallop, but whether he willed them take his keys and share his goods, to save his life, this examinate knoweth not. J42 HENRY HUDSON At the putting out of the men, the ship's carpenter [Staffe] asked the company if they would be [wished to be] hanged, when they came to England. He does not know whether the carpenter is dead or alive, for he never saw him since he was put out into the shallop. No shot was made at Hudson or any of them nor any hurt done them, that he knows. He did not see Hudson bound, but heard that Wilson pinioned his arms, when he was put into the shallop. But, when he was in the shallop, this examinate saw him in a motley gown at liberty, and they spoke together, Hudson saying: It is that villain Ivott [Juet], that hath undone us; and he answered: No, it is Grene that hath done all this villainy. It is true that Grene, Wilson and Thomas had consultation together to turn pirates, and so he thinks they would have done, had they not been slain. There was no watchword given, but Grene, Wilson, Thomas and Bennett watched the master, when he came out of his cabin, and forced him over board into the shallop, and then they put out the rest, being sick men. H3 HENRY HUDSON He told Sir Thomas Smith the truth, as to how Hudson and the rest were turned out of the ship. He told the masters of the Trinity-house the truth of the business, but never knew or heard that the masters said they deserved to be hanged for the same* They were not victualled with rabbits or partridges before Hudson and the rest were turned into the shallop, nor after. There was no mutiny otherwise than as aforesaid, they were turned out only for want of victuals, as far as he knows. He does not know the handwriting of Thomas Widowes. He, for his part, made no means to hinder any proceedings that might have been taken against them. (Signed) ABACOOKE PERIKET. [On the same day.] Robert Bilett, of St. Katherine's, mariner, examined, saith that, upon a discontent amongst the company of the ship the Discov ery in the finding out of the N. W. passage, by occasion of the want of victualls, Henry Grene, being the principal, together with John 144 HENRY HUDSON Thomas, William Wilson, Robert Ivett [Juet] and Michael Pearse, determined to shift the company, and thereupon Henry Hudson, the master, was by force put into the shallop, and 8 or 9 more were commanded to go into the shallop to the master, which they did, this examinate thinking this course was taken only to search the master's cabin and the ship for victualls, which the said Grene and others thought the master concealed from the com pany to serve his own turn. But, when they were in the shallop, Grene and the rest would not suffer them to come any more on board the ship, so Hudson and the rest in the shallop went away to the southward, and the ship came to the eastward, and the one never saw the other since. What is otherwise become of them be knoweth not* He says that the men went ashore (as above) to get victuals; and from their wounds the cabins, beds and clothes were made bloody. There was discontent amongst the company, but no mutiny to his knowledge, until the said Grene and his associates turned the master and the rest into the shallop. He heard of no mutiny " till overnight that Hudson and the rest were [to bej put into the 145 HENRY HUDSON shallop the next day," and this examinate and Mr. Prickett persuaded the crew to the contrary, and Grene answered the master was resolved to overtrowe all, and therefore he and his friends would shift for themselves* Such clothes as were left behind in the ship by Hudson and his associates were sold, and worn by some of the company that wanted clothes. The ship's carpenter never used such speeches, to his knowledge. [This seems to refer to Staffed question, " Would they be hanged when they came to England?"] Philip Staffe, the carpenter, went into the shallop of his own accord, without any com pulsion; whether he be dead or alive, or what has become of him, he knoweth not* No man, either drunk or sober, can report that Hudson and his associates were shot at after they were in the shallop, for there was no such thing done. He was under the deck, when Henry Hud son was put out of the ship, so that he saw it not, nor knoweth whether he were bound or not, but saith he heard he was pinioned. Henry Grene, and two or three others, made a motion to turn pirates, and he believes they would have done, if they had lived. 146 HENRY HUDSON He denieth that he took any ringe out of Hudson's pocket, neither ever saw it except on his finger, nor knoweth what became of it. Such beds and clothes as were left in the ship, and not taken by Hudson and the rest into the shallop, were brought into England, because they left them behind in the ship. There was no watchword given, but Grene and the others commanded the said Hudson and the rest into the shallop, and upon that command they went. He told Sir Thomas Smith the manner how Hudson and the rest went from them, but what Sir Thomas said to their wives he knoweth not. There was no mutiny, but some discontent, amongst the company; they were not victual led with any abundance of rabbits and part ridges all the voyage. He doth not know the handwriting of Widowes, nor hath he seen what he put down in writing. (Signed) ROBERT BYLETH. Admiralty. Oyer and Terminer. 4J. 13 May, 16J7. Frances Clemence, of Wapping, mariner, aged 40, says that Henry Hudson, the master, J47 HENRY HUDSON and 8 persons more were put out of the Dis covery into the shallop about 20 leagues from the place where they wintered, about 22d of June shall be 6 years in June next, as he heard from the rest of the company, for this examin- ate had his nails frozen off, and was very sick at the time* Henry Grene, "William Wilson, John Thomas and Michael Pearse were slain on shore by the savages at Sir Dudley Digges Island, and Robert Ivett f Juet] died at sea after they were .slain. Philip Staffe, the ship's carpenter, was one of them who were put into the shallop with the master and the rest; whether he is dead or not, he knows not. The master displaced some of the crew, and put others in their room, but there was no mutiny that he knew of. Henry Hudson was pinioned, when he was put into the shallop. (With other answers as in the previous examinations.) 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